50 Followers Today!
Today I am sending out the love. I had another post planned, but I cannot pass up an opportunity to thank my followers. I am very new to the writing world; kinda fresh from the oven. Blogger enticed me with it's promise of a space all of my own to publish my thoughts on, well, books, bubs and writing. My first post went up on June 17, 2009 and since then I have been honoured and more than a little humbled by a growing following of talented writers and loyal friends. I would like to say a huge thank you. I now have 50 amazing followers!So here's my SHOUT OUT to pass on the lovin'. Here, in no particular order, are ten blogs that I like to haunt regularly. I'm going to include the links, just in case I stuff up and can't post working links to their blogs.
1. Katie Ganshert.
Blog: 'Katie Ganshert'.
Katie writes amazingly insightful posts about all things 'writing' and that bub of hers is adorable! One of my fav posts is this one titled 'Scars'http://katieganshert.blogspot.com/2009/08/scars.html
Blog: 'Tales of Extraordinary Ordinariness'.
I think, I laugh, I cry. All the markings of a talented writer/blogger. Okay, I haven't cried yet. But her post 'Words Castles' definitely prompted something a little watery in my eye.
3.Karen Walker. Blog: 'karen... following the whispers.' Karen is the author of a memoir titled 'Following the Whispers' and her posts are often like a warm hug. One of my favorites is 'Fear of Failure.' http://karenfollowing the whispers.blogspot.com/2009/08/fear-of-failure.html
4.Carrie, better known as ckbh.
Blog: 'Heim Binas Fiction'
Carrie writes with raw grit and often posts something that fires the cogs inside my head. Her post 'Telling the Truth' will get you thinking. http://heimbinasfiction.blogspot.com/2009/07/telling-truth/html
5.Dan. L. Hays
Blog: 'Thoughts Along the Road to Healing'
Really got me with his post 'A Conversation with Dad.' http://danlhays.blogspot.com/2009/08/conversation-with-dad.html
6.Jeannie Campbell
As she says, 'licensed therapist by day, writer by night.'
If your fictional characters need their heads read or you just need some professional insights into character motivation and plot feasibility this is the couch...um..blog.
7. Megan
Blog: 'Megan Rebekah Blogs'
Laugh out loud post 'Wanted: New Plan.'
8. Jody Hedlund
Blog: 'On the Path.'
This post should be apart of some sort of bible for bloggers.
9. Erica Vetsch
Blog: 'On the Write Path'
10. Stephanie Farris
Blog: 'Steph in the City'
Loved her post, 'How NOT to Get your Book Published.'
And there are more...
There are so many others who write blogs far worthier than mine. So thanks for the following. A special thanks to Shelly (who doesn't blog), but has tirelessly supported me in this blogging endeavour. She was my very first follower (even beating my husband to the follow button) and for a while there, my sole comment leaver. Your support matters girl. :)
Wow, 50. Congratulations. And you got there remarkably quickly too. Take it is a tribute to your interestingness, which isn't a word but should be.
ReplyDeletesorry I haven't been posting lately but I have been away, I'm back and refreshed. Congratulations on reaching the 50. What are we going to do to celebrate...LOL
ReplyDeleteWow - THANKS, Tab! I appreciate the shout out! And congrats on the 50!! Way cool. :)
ReplyDeleteAwww! I follow some of those blogs and they are definitely awesome. :-) Congrats on fifty followers! Very exciting.
ReplyDelete(and I follow you too, anonymously, so your followers may actually be more than shows...)
Have a wonderful day, and thanks for the links!
Thanks Gary. Yes, the 'dictionary people' (I don't know, what are they called?) need to add that word :)
ReplyDeleteHi ya Shelley. We are going to buy me another chihuahua... that's how we are celebrating! Matt, if you read this, I'm joking... maybe.
Katie- Shout out deserved. Have I said that I love your blog?! :)
Hi Jessica, thanks. I didn't think about the people who follow me anonymously. I know there are a few, so yeah, numbers might be a few more. Aww Shucks :)
My apologies if the links don't work. I am a bit hit and miss with that.
Wow! That's awesome. Just hopped over from Jody's blog. Nice post.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping in Corey:)
ReplyDeleteYah! 50 followers is awesome. Congrats on hitting that mile stone!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the shout out! :)
Yay for 50! Congratulations! It's so fun to make new blogging friends.
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you!!!!! Congrats on hitting 50... 100, here we come!
ReplyDeleteWow, thank you so much for including me! I'm new here too so I'm honored. I'm looking for new blogs to read so I'm going to check out the other 9.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the 50 followers! And, that's a great list of blogs! I'll have to go check out the ones I haven't read before.
ReplyDeleteFifty followers! That's definitely a landmark - one you certainly deserve. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 50! And thanks for the mention! I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog and am enjoying getting to know you!
ReplyDeleteBlog readers are awesome. Congrats on reaching 50! I'm going to check out those links.
ReplyDeleteThese are great blogs! I'm familiar with most, I'll have to check out the rest, thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks all for the congrats, but without you guys I'd be writing into cyber space without a voice. A bit like, 'if a tree crashes in the woods and no one is there, does it still make a sound?' Or something like that. I can't remember how it goes. It is nice to make a sound though. God knows I like makin a noise! I am glad so many are going to check out the other blogs listed. I wish I could have given a shout out to all the blogs I read. There are so many great ones. If your blog is not on the list it means I ran out of room :)
ReplyDeleteT. Anne, Cindy, Lazywriter and so any others who comment here have such amazing blogs. I hope you will click over and check them out too.
Goodness, girl! That must have taken you forever to get all those links up! Impressive!!! I love those blogs you listed. They are all so informative and friendly. (like yours!)
ReplyDeleteHAPPY 50th !!!!!!.........well done.
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt and Sherrinda :)
ReplyDeleteMatt you didn't read the bit about the chihuahua in the comments did you?
ReplyDeleteCongrats!!! I enjoyed the ones you listed and yeah for figuring out how to link them. Haven't tried that one yet myself.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tab! You are surely loved out here in the blogosphere! (I rhymed)