Monday, November 29, 2010

Fear of Skies Around Me.

Clouds hung, fat and wallowing, gathered together like old women in a market square.
But He did not notice.
As the air built to a fever of sweat that collected on my neck and slid like a single wet finger in a line down my back, His eyes were closed.
Moment by moment the colors in the heavens changed. I'd watched all afternoon as the sky turned from liquid peach to burnt sienna and then grew dark.  So dark. As if the hands of God wiped his canvas clean of the summer blue and replaced it with bruised clouds threatening to cry the tears of a thousand rains. And cry they most certainly would. I watched the sky draw itself up, build layer upon layer and then...
The stillness before it broke.
And still He slept.
Thunder came from the very belly of the earth, but He did not wake.
He lay there asleep while the sky split itself in two above His head.
Only I cried out.

And when He heard my voice He opened one eye, reached out a slow and steady hand and said, "I have not left you. I am not moved by storms. Do not fear because you are not alone."
Then I knew.
While I watch storms and shudder in the aftermath of thunder as the skies spill from above, He listens only for me.
The storm did not move Him to wake. I did. My cry. My fear. Because I am His.

So I did as He does.
I curled up beside Him. I wrote. I laughed and loved. I ate and lived. And I slept.
Because you can.
If you are not alone.
You can.

What about you? Who sees you through the storms? Who stills your fears?


  1. The description you painted is breath taking. My faith sees me through the darkness.

    Beautiful post :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  2. That was moving. Your story compliments the picture very well.

  3. I am not a great lover of storms and living alone does complicate things at times.
    But there are other storms in life to weather for example berevements, health, the way to get through those are BEING POSITIVE. though at times it's easier said than done.

    Loved your post, interesting to read.

  4. The storm scared me as I read. It seems, so often when they come, I AM alone, as in, all by myself in the house. I hate when that happens.

  5. You will be published. You will be a famous poet. Every single one of your posts does one of two things (or both). Makes me teary. Or gives me goosebumps. I want to write like you when I grow up, Tabitha.

  6. the picture drew me in (i live in the Sonoran desert and have seen and heard those kinds of storms), and the words touched me. beautiful stuff. He's the only one who CAN calm my fears.

  7. "and slid like a single wet finger in a line down my back"
    that is BRILLIANT!!!

  8. God does, but storms don't scare me. :)

  9. Thank you for coming by every one.
    Katie, I jumped on your blog to reply. Your comment touched me :)

    That fact that I am read touches me. Thanks all for visiting and leaving a comment.

  10. Very well written...
    The last few lines are so good.. :)

  11. I believe it's the same Divine person who gets you through yours!

  12. Beautiful picture and beautiful words.

  13. Such beautiful, lyrical and powerful writing, Tab.

  14. OH MY GOSH!!!
    This is gorgeous! This is something to be read out load and each word savored.
    Jesus is my guy, as you probably know. :-)

  15. I think this is my favorite yet of yours, Tabitha. Just beautiful.

  16. Awesome pic! The Good Lord above and my family help me navigate through the storms of life.

  17. You write beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

  18. ONLY the Lord.


    I thank God for gifting you with your words.

  19. This was so visually captivating Tabitha, I felt every word. Its just the kind of motivating inspiration I need to get on with writing short stories today so thank you very much!

    There are always people in my life that help me through storms with an open hand or shoulder to lean on. That person changes depending on the weather.

  20. powerful narrative - I do so like storms

  21. Who? I think you expressed it beautifully.

    Tossing It Out

  22. I'm glad you found my blog, and that it felt peaceful to you. I feel very peaceful here, too. This is a beautiful post. My faith in Christ keeps me from feeling lonely.

    I love this quote by a man I admire: "God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can't if you don't pray, and He can't if you don't dream. In short, He can't if you don't believe."
    Ann Best, A Long Journey Home

  23. Tab, your writing is so vivid, so powerful! You're an amazing talent. There are so many storms to weather in life. I sometimes think one storm prepares for the next storm.
