Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This is not Cyrus having a rest. Oh no.
Rest Time is for the weak.
The unimaginative.
The restrained.

Rest Time is for those other three-year-olds, who do not live in my house, who gladly give their mothers an hour or so of peace. Rest Time is for those children with no imagination. For those who cannot see how marvelously fun it would be to take ones room apart toy by toy, and then venture into their brother's bedroom to dismantle his Lego creations.

Rest Time is for those who don't seek new discoveries, like how much toilet paper a toilet bowl can hold and still flush. Or perhaps what might happen if one sneaks out of one's bedroom and smooshes the toothpaste together with the liquid hand soap. Rest Time is for those who don't seek new horizons, like the top of their mother's wardrobe or the deepest reaches of treasures under his brother's bed.

Rest Time is for those who cannot see that the dirty clothes basket is indeed a boat waiting to be sailed across the hallway. Or that all the clothes in ones drawers could form a Picasso type picture when strewn across the floor. Rest Time is for seeing how long it will take Mommy to figure out that nothing like 'resting' is occurring. Or for seeing how long it will take her to abandon her Writing Hour, the word count, any looming deadlines and finally admit that she will get exactly no writing done at all today.

Rest Time is for turning beds into trampolines and Mommy's nerves into a plate of spaghetti...

No, this photo was not taken at Rest Time. This picture is Bed Time. A time when Mommy sits, has a cup of tea ( or glass of wine) and then creeps bleary eyed with her rose coloured glasses firmly in place into her son's room and imagines she would like another one.  Bed Time is for looking at that little face with those apple-pie cheeks and falling in love all over again. Bed Time is when all is forgiven, because look at him people. And tell me, could you stay mad?

What about you? If you write or pursue anything in life with kids in tow... how do you do it?


  1. I first love the picture. Love the analogies, especially with the TP. Do not have children, so cannot relate as well. Precious post TB. Thank you for sharing and blessings.

  2. I cling to the sheer creative brilliance that pours out of my boys without the least bit of effort. They are my major source of writing inspiration, the reason why I write, and my fun when I need a break. But making it all work is a challenge. Every single day.

  3. I feel oh so happy for you and your distractions. Mine throw balls at me and occasionally will lay their head on the keyboard.

    Such a beautiful distraction you have :)
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  4. I didn't write while mine were little, but I wish I had. I feel like I wasted time, but then again, I probably would have had endless frustrations in trying to find some time! lol Mine are teens and are always off on their own. I have time now. ;)

  5. Your 3 year old sounds similar to my 7 year old!! :-) Sometimes I just look at him and say, "And what were you thinking?" I like the positive spin you put on all the adventuring!

  6. My kids didn't sleep for three years combined. I was delirious and out of it for a long time. Now it's melatonin for them. :O)

  7. What an adorable picture,
    I once remembered by daughter who was 4 yrs at the time in one afternoon caused havoc. I was pregnant(unfortunatetly I miscarried) and was having a drink and read, she went upstairs found my nail scissors and cut her fringe on her hair, I levelled it off and returned to my book. Next disaster was she cut all her fingers slightly how or what with remains a mystery, I cleaned them put a dressing on them then once again tried to rest, Then I remembered I had not taken my medication now there were only 2 pills left which was situated in a high cupboard, I couldn't find them.....only the empty container, asked her if she had seen them she said only smarties, she ended at the A&E having to have a medicine to make her vomit to get the medication out of her system.
    On arriving home my husband came home from work asking !Had a Good Day"?


  8. Priceless.... and I am a bit jealous :-)

  9. Oh, lovely, lovely, lovely. I do remember those days...though I only had one. Your picture reminded me of one I have, when after a wild day of play, she just dropped to sleep. Beautiful Tab.

  10. Rest Time--foreign words in our house. Ah, bed time. I swear I clock out and do a little jump for joy every night. This is a tiring job, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    Absolutely adore those sleepy time pictures!
    ~ Wendy

  11. A few of those I've written to my lovely angel, my kid, my child...

    this is lovely ... through your eyes is so very much as if through mine...


  12. I write early in the morning. With coffee. At the coffee shop. Where no one needs me or has to go potty or asks for help with homework. There's no laundry there, either, which is a big, big plus.

  13. You analogies were great...i i wish i could give you advice...but I have no children. haha..

    good luck! take care

    ps- adorable pic

  14. I know the boundry stone of rest and no rest. Some days I feel like I'm walking through water and other days like I slept a million years. I'll take the later feeling over the first any day. It's pertinent you get your rest. You're the cornerstone of your entire family! I say find some space and sleep like a baby. ;)

  15. Since I started at age 50, this was not my experience. I'm glad...and sad.


  16. Love the picture! What a darling. My kids are all in school so I am able to do quite a bit of writing during the day. It's been a long time coming, but that's where I am now.

  17. I like both the picture and the memories all that envokes. My wee babby was just here for lunch. He is forty. And I still get that rush when I see his eyelashes hit his cheeks...
    Jan Morrison

  18. Cyrus sounds like a mix between my oldest and youngest. Mischief-makers! LOL He's really beautiful Tabitha. :-)

  19. Aww, so cute! ;) I'm constantly in awe of people who are writers *and* moms.

  20. He's gorgeous, and I'd forgive him, too. Once, my daughter and her friend decided to "cook" when I was out of sight. They took almost everything in the kitchen and put it in a bowl. Ugh, what a mess. But I love how intrigued by life and courageous my daughter was and is. She grew into a beautiful person.

  21. I'll be honest, Tab. When I was raising my son, I wrote a handful of stories when he was ten or so, and that's it. I started writing again after he was grown. I'm not saying that's the way to do it. I'm just saying that's how it happened with me.

  22. So glad mine are all older than that.

    Of course, they now fight me for computer time, so I'm not sure the trade off is all its cracked up to be either.

    Here's me looking forward to the empty nest syndrome :)


  23. I take a deep breath and reach for the camera. Filming or photographing my children's latest antics, helps me to remain calm down and often laugh keeping things in perspective. The pics provide good fodder for my family blog and a great record to tease them with when they have their own 'little miracles' antics to deal with in the future. Mr 4 thought he would read to me while I was distracted typing an important email. Alas smash went 'another' coffee mug (as he placed a rather large book in front of the PC screen) and another set of my clothes heads into the laundry. Funnily enough he decided to take himself to bed for a timely nap hee hee. xx

  24. I thought you could use this. So there is something for you on my blog. :D
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  25. My kids are all in school, but since I work I only have two days to write or I write when they go to bed.

    My kids never napped past two.

  26. What a cutie! I bet he'll love looking back on this post when he's older. Since you already appreciate the beauty of a hamper as a boat, you'll miss these days.

  27. He is so adorable! And you are so funny.
